Coronavirus affects Alibaba shares, Estée Lauder security breach & Butternut Box investment.

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Each week we gather the top three eCommerce news items of the week. Here’s what stood out for us this week!

Alibaba’s shares have dropped more than two per cent in morning trading as analysts warn virus’ “impact is more significant than everyone expected”.
The Chinese eCommerce giant revealed a healthy 56 per cent rise in net income over the final quarter of 2019 yesterday, but issued a stark warning that the outbreak across its home country will impact sales “across the board” in the coming months. Read the full article here.

Estée Lauder has suffered a data breach at the hands of cybercriminals, resulting in the exposure of 440 million records.


As first reported by Security Discovery and by further media outlets, the data breach exposed internal emails, with no evidence that customer records or payment details were at risk. The hacked database contained 440,336,852 records including internal company emails. Read the full article here.

The UK-founded fresh dog food startup Butternut Box has landed £15 million in a funding round.


Launched in 2016, Butternut Box prepares and delivers meals for dogs across the UK. Priced anywhere from £1.31 to some £5 per day, the dishes are portioned before delivery according to a dog’s breed, weight, sex and exercise regime. Read the full article here.

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