News | The Scurri eCommerce weekly top 3

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woman with glasses shopping online

Each week we gather the top three eCommerce news items of the week. Here’s what stood out for us this week!

Ecommerce sales are due to grow by over $1 trillion by 2025 as the pandemic driven boom in online shopping is expected to continue permanently.

New research from Euromonitor International has predicted that digital channels will account for half of all growth in global retail sector between 2020 and 2025. Read the full article here.

Some goods made in China might be more difficult to get hold of in the UK amid a shipping squeeze which exacerbated by a container ship blocking off the Suez Canal this week.

High demand had already put pressure on international shipping routes as businesses – particularly retailers – prepare for the end of Covid-19 restrictions from next month, even before the Ever Given ran aground in the vital waterway earlier this week  Read the full article here.

A record proportion of Christmas shopping was carried out online in December, according to card spending figures from a trade association.

As people spent more time at home, online spending accounted for around a third (33.8 per cent) of the total value of credit and debit card spending in the UK in December, according to UK Finance.

This was up from 28 per cent in December 2019. Read the full article here.

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