Scurri Product Announcement | Shopify Integration

< 1 minute read
shopify carrier integration with scurri

Scurri is delighted to announce the results of our latest development sprint, the Shopify eCommerce Platform Integration. Retailers with Shopify stores now have the option of using Scurri as a Delivery Management Platform. The Scurri Shipping API makes it easy for developers to integrate our Carrier Management Software into an eCommerce platform or Warehouse Management System. 

Simple & powerful integrations with the world’s leading eCommerce platforms.

Scurri also has direct integrations into some of the most popular industry eCommerce platforms and Warehouse Management Systems:

  • Kooomo
  • Brightpearl
  • Peoplevox
  • Netsuite
  • Caliq
  • Ebay

Contact our team today to learn more about Shopify or any of our other integrations.

‘Scurri is a simple, effective, and adaptable API & dashboard built to optimise your ordering, shipping, & delivery.’

Scurri's 1st class development team - the inside scoop on the Scurri Hackathon.

The Scurri development team outdid themselves with their approach and execution of the Shopify integration. They sequestered themselves into a room for a day and using the power of pair programming achieved the following:


  • The Shopify integration up and running in just 1 day!
  • 1600+ lines of code written
  • x2 dozen doughnuts consumed

Check out this timelapse of the Scurri Shopify integration Hackathon. 

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