News | The Scurri eCommerce weekly top 3

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Each week we gather the top three eCommerce news items of the week. Here’s what stood out for us this week!

Shopify merchants helped to generate 112,780 new jobs in the UK in 2020 as the pandemic drove business owners online. Shopify saw an increase of 106 per cent in new stores being created on the platform as the high street lost nearly 118,000 jobs according to the Centre for Retail Research (CRR). Read the full article here.

Scurri has been named in the second annual Discovery report published by RWRC, celebrates 40 global start-ups powering retail innovation at a time when it is needed most, including cutting-edge solutions being used by Tesco, Nespresso,, M&S and more. Read the full article here.

Retailers are unlikely to see a return to pre-pandemic footfall “anytime soon” despite the beginnings of recovery after non-essential shops reopened last month, figures suggest.

Total UK footfall for April remained 40 per cent down on the same month in 2019 despite lockdown on non-essential retail being lifted throughout the month, according to BRC-Sensormatic IQ figures. Read the full article here.

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