Covid 19 | The Scurri eCommerce weekly top 3

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Each week we gather the top three eCommerce news items of the week. Here’s what stood out for us this week!

IMRG has displayed some notable trends in regard to impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on eCommerce in the UK last week (22-28 March), following the closure of many physical stores as a result of the government’s lockdown measures on 23 March. The figures demonstrate an upsurge in online shopping activity during this period.


it was noted that in recent days, some retailers who suspended their online operations have now reinstated them, having made changes to their working practices. Read the full article here.

The first week of Covid-19 lockdown saw a 240% leap in sales of traditional board games and puzzles, as consumers prepared for extended periods indoors.


The games and puzzles category more than doubled its share of the overall toy market from 9% to 21% over the week. Sales of garden toys such as slides and playhouses also increased as customers prepared for improved weather, while sales of arts & crafts products nearly doubled. Read the full article here.

As the country is forced online by the lockdown, Adobe says the amount of “buy online, pickup in-store (BOPIS) orders has risen 62 per cent.


In a survey of 1000 consumers, 42 per cent of shoppers said they were shopping online more during lockdown, while eight per cent said they were shopping online less. Looking past the coronavirus crisis, 52 per cent said they would continue with the changes they’ve made to their shopping behaviour after the threat of the virus has cleared. Read the full article here.

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