News | The Scurri eCommerce weekly top 3

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Each week we gather the top three eCommerce news items of the week. Here’s what stood out for us this week!

Royal Mail is to trial Sunday parcel deliveries for major retailers amid an online shopping boom.

Internet sales were already on the up before the coronavirus crisis, but the pandemic caused huge growth in 2020.

Royal Mail said the trial would open the door to parcel deliveries seven days a week.It said that “a number of retail brands are trialling the service” but declined to name them as yet. Read the full article here.

Consumer spending fell by nearly 14 per cent last month despite consumer confidence in the economy rising to its highest level in a year.

According to the latest figures from payments giant Barclaycard, spending dropped 13.8 per cent in February, including a 22.1 per cent drop in non-essential spending.

This was offset by a 5.3 per cent growth in spending on essential items, boosted by a 17.4 per cent jump in supermarket spend. Read the full article here.

Google “must clamp down” on businesses buying fake reviews to manipulate their online reputations after dozens were found to be paying for star ratings.

According to a new report from consumer watchdog Which?, nearly 50 UK businesses listed on Google have been caught using illicit businesses to purchase five-star reviews.

Its investigation saw Which? create a fake business and employ firms which offered review manipulation services to boost its Google business review rating, which impacts where a business comes in Google Search listings and is visible on Google Maps. Read the full article here.

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