News | The Scurri eCommerce weekly top 3

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Each week we gather the top three eCommerce news items of the week. Here’s what stood out for us this week!

Online retail sales hit new records once again in February, growing 167.3 per cent as “positive signs” emerge for the sector.

The online sales surge was driven by growing demand for fashion and homeware products as rapid vaccine rollout began to encourage consumer confidence, according to the latest BDO high street sales tracker. Read the full article here.

In this year’s Budget, Chancellor Rishi Sunak extended the business rates holiday and extended the furlough scheme until end of September, while non-essential retailers will receive new recovery grants of up to £6000 per store. Experts explain what this means for UK retail. Read the full article here.

The Post Office has partnered with Amazon to launch a new click & collect trial allowing customers to collect online orders from their local branch.

Amazon has now become the Post Office’s first official third-party partnership after its historic exclusivity deal with Royal Mail comes to an end, The Grocer revealed.

Postmasters are understood to have received smartphones designed to scan Amazon packages as they arrive, allowing customers to simply present a pickup code before collecting their parcel. Read the full article here.

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